The bride and groom (duh) in front of their getaway car.
Two nerds about to enter the reception.
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2
The bride and groom (duh) in front of their getaway car.
Two nerds about to enter the reception.
Posted by Star Worz 0 comments
Posted by Star Worz 2 comments
1 day down.
41 to go.
I highly recommend you follow the Central American trip.
Posted by Star Worz 0 comments
Several years ago, I was telling a friend (OK, many years ago because I don't even remember what friend I am referencing and it's quite possible they are no longer my friend) that I had to go to a dentist to get a crown. "That just means you're a princess!" they replied. Alright! I like that kind of thinking! (Actually, I hope this person is still my friend because I like that kind of optimism and silver-lining thinking.)
Well, 2 days ago I was dethroned, if you will. There I was, reading away like a good nursing student, getting ready for the first day of class, and chomping on some gum like the gum addict I am. I had started chewing when I felt something hard in my piece of gum. "Well that's odd", I thought. "Maybe the gum didn't get cooked/baked/made correctly because I can't get this one part to be squishy." So I kept chomping and chomping, still the whole thing wasn't chewy. I wanted to see what hard, unchewed gum looked like, so I pulled it out, moved it around in my fingers and saw that it was GOLD. I can't type my immediate thoughts because my grandparents read this on occasion, so assume it's a word or series of words I would never say in front of my grandparents. (I'll let you be the judge of which words they actually were.)
So I spent an entire day with half a tooth in my mouth and half a "tooth" in a plastic ziplock on my bathroom counter. I had to only chew on my right side (I don't believe I've ever done that), keep my tongue from drifting over to touch the half-tooth (gross!) and be petrified that a nerve would suddenly become exposed and send me into orbit if anything got near it. (I don't care how much I learn about anatomy, my imagination will probably always be bigger and more rediculous.)
But the best part of this entire experience was going to the dentist and having him chip away the old cement on the half-tooth and then some. There's apparently decay still going on, so he drilled and picked and chipped some of my half-tooth off. By the way, that's not fun, nor does it feel good.
But my crown was cemented back on which means I am, once again, a princess. Which is great because I am starting to come to terms with the fact that I probably will not marry Prince William.
Posted by Star Worz 0 comments
I am now officially ready to head off and perform the duty of MOH at my best friend's wedding. I've got the dress, shoes that will kicked off promptly after walking back down the aisle, camera with fresh batteries, hotel reservations for the city of Hamilton (yes, we are big enough to appear on a map dang it!) and Missoula (yes, we are big enough for an international airport dang it!), flask for reception, a car with 125 free miles to get me everywhere, pedicure (perhaps the most important item), plane ticket to get me shuttle me around the northwest (did you know Horizon serves free beverages?! this is great news!) and my sense of adventure (I'll be calling on this shortly after I begin driving in the dark through rural Montana. Was that a cougar I just saw? Nope, just a big apple tree.)
Posted by Star Worz 2 comments
this is awesome. And of all the companies to name first. . .
Posted by Star Worz 0 comments
Posted by Star Worz 3 comments
Posted by Star Worz 1 comments
I found a sheet of paper in my A&P notebook today with some scribblings on it. I obviously wrote this down while a certain student in my class ("the talker") was telling a story about how a friend of hers had the certain disease we happened to be talking about or a patient at work came in with a certain condition and it was treated differently than what was listed in the PowerPoint. Everytime she talks I swear I'm listening to Charlie Brown's teacher.
Anyway, the headline on this ripped out piece of notebook paper is:
Posted by Star Worz 0 comments
It’s the night before my last PCC final
And I’m feeling a little sad thinking back on all the times I’ve had.
I started with Bio and Athropology
And now I’m ending with Anantomy & Physiology.
I started in my apartment in L.O. and working at Nike.
Now I’m back in a house in Tigard and working at Nike.
I’ve been to college once before but this was not the same.
I don’t live on school grounds and I don’t know anyone’s name.
There’s definitely more extra credit and it’s easier to get an A,
Except in A&P where the only way to earn it is to study night and day.
I’ve had some great professors like Tara and Larry
But this year it’s been only Ed and he is quite scary.
It would be nice to have the summer off, yes, that would be quite good.
But I’ll have to settle for using to weekends to do stuff, like climb Mt. Hood.
Only one more day left and then I’ll be done.
I better suck down this Diet Pepsi, and then drink another one.
Otherwise I won’t stay awake to learn about heredity & lactation.
I can’t wait until Friday because that kicks off 10 days of vacation!
I wrote this thing in all of 5 minutes flat
But now it’s back to the reproductive flashcards and all ‘dat.
Posted by Star Worz 1 comments
In the words of Dory, "Just keep running. Just keep running."
I didn't die!!! This is great news!!!
Posted by Star Worz 3 comments
Posted by Star Worz 0 comments
I had to read this yesterday morning to get me through the day. . .
Posted by Star Worz 0 comments