Tuesday, June 10

The Good, The Bad and The Finish Line

Nicole and I totally rocked the North Olympic Discovery Marathon on Sunday. We ran 26.2 miles from Sequim to Port Angeles up in Washington. Definitely a blog is coming about the whirlwind weeked (trains and ferries and cars, oh my!) but that will have to wait until after finals (and my choc/vanilla swirled TCBY w/butterfinger topping & several glasses of Ste. Michelle reisling.) So the rule of thumb is, you're never supposed to ask a marathoner what their time was, just if they finished. I will spare you from having to ask and just tell you:
And may I remind you, the first person to ever do this DIED!
Feeling good before the halfway point!

In the words of Dory, "Just keep running. Just keep running."

I didn't die!!! This is great news!!!


Anonymous said...

Good job marathoners. Living in the Sequim and Port Angeles areas, I love to hear about great times like this, especially because I'm a runner myself. I didn't run this marathon, though. Oops! Had to Work.

Anonymous said...
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Jon said...

You are Awesome! 45 minutes under your goal time is NO JOKE.

This is one of my favorite marathon stories.....

Sean "P Ditty" Combs runs the New York city Marathon"

When asked whether he would run it again next year--------

"No, no, no, no, no"