. . .or a Goose!
"I feel the need. The need. . .for speed."
-Maverick and Goose

"Please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their upright and locked position."
Left: Proof Andy visited the Spruce Goose
Right: Me with the best looking guy in McMinnville on the infamous Third Street.
And of course we couldn't go to McMinnville without seeing Linfield!! We ate supper at Geraldi's. Mm-mmm I love my spaghetti and meatballs!!
And did I mention a couple hours later I lost both the heads on my drivers at the driving range. They went farther than the balls!!! (Insert your own joke.)
Next up: Ape Cave & Mt. St. Helen's!
I used to know a lady who worked there..... :) You guys are so adventurous and adorable! COME TO VEGAS NOW!
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