"In tennis, love is nothing. In life, it's everything."
Sunday was Andre Agassi's last match as a professional - shoot, maybe his last match ever because his back is so totally and completely injured. In his 3 rounds over the course of 4 days at the US Open he received at least 5 shots of either cortisone or anti-inflammatory drugs. Being the "Tennis Nut" I am, I don't remember a time when Andre wasn't playing and he will certainly be missed. I was fortunate enough to have attended his annual fundraiser in Las Vegas in 2003. (For that year), it was the single largest fundraiser in the country. And why shouldn't be when Elton John, Robin Williams, Billy Joel, and Lance Armstrong (among others) show up. Thank you Andre!!! You rock!!!

Andre blowing his final "4 corner" kisses to the crowd after losing on Sunday.
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