"Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?" ~ Snoopy
Before Tualatin's very own redneck got the heck out of Dodge, we had to throw a party. And what better theme for Andy's goodbye party than CAMO?!?! Although civilian clothing was frowned upon, most people did dress the part. (yea, festive friends!) A good time was had by all (especially the G.O.H.), and really who wouldn't with gorgeous weather, the BBQ grillin', beverages flowin' and more food than we knew what to do with!!
Roomies! Steve & Andy. This shindig was at Steve's house and he was the host with the most that night! (Not to mention one half of the decorating committee. One guess who was the other half?)
Dancing machines Meghan & Elisa (my salsa and country dancing buddies!)
Blonde moment: Me & Andy AND MY KICK-BOOTY TANK CAKE!!! (sorry, but I am really proud of that thing!)
This is what happens when it gets late and there are cheesy, plastic army props laying around!! (Check out the awesome decorations above us! We went all out!)
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