Tuesday, September 16


It's official! I nabbed Tigard High as one of my clinical sites this semester. Look out 4 corners, senior benches and other new places that didn't exist when I was there! I'm on a mission to rid your institution of learning from soda!!! (and other things that I actually have to do for class. . .)

And here's another reason why I'm so excited: From the front page of Tuesday's Living section of the Oregonian:


Rachel said...

Laura, that is so cool. How fun that will be to go back to high school as a nurse-in-training. Plus it is so close to home. We future nurses need all the sleep we can get :-).

Kevin Wecker said...

The students will think it's normal if you need to poke them with a needle in the arm four or five hundred times, or use forty-seven bandaids on an enormous laceration!

They'll say, "No, no. I'm fine. Nurse Laura said it'll do and to see her tomorrow before she can put my eye back in its socket! I can't wait, 'cause she's HOT!"

Kevin Wecker said...

Anyway, as I interrupted myself by hitting the PUBLISH button before I finished, I think you'll be great, and I am actually quite jealous that you get to go back to high school!

You rock! Congrats!

Ryan and Lindsay said...

One tip....don't get a job as a nurse at a school. UNLESS you want to deal with bloody noses, upset stomachs and lost teeth. Not quite what you're going to school for. :) It will be fun to do it during your training though. Get it out of your system now. :)