Monday, July 14

Oh deer

I saw the most beautiful sight I've seen in my life yesterday. I know that may seem like a bold statement but I think it's true. I'm sure a sunset in the Black Butte meadow is up there. As would the view of the bus stop in Delphi, Greece.

But this was in my own backyard.

I went out on my deck with my not quite 4-month-old puppy so that we could head out to the shady part of the grass to play. Henry paused at the top of the stairs and I stood on the deck and turned to my right.

And there she stood.

The most beautiful, majestic looking doe. She was huge and she was looking right at me. I don't know where she came from but she found her way to my backyard.

The last thing I wanted was for Henry to be anywhere near her so I whipped my head around, called Henry's name about a bazillion times and grabbed his collar when he got close to me. I whipped my head back to the right and she was gone.

I threw Henry in the house and searched the backyard. Nothing. I don't know where she went or if she'll ever be back. It's quite a different feeling: seeing a deer in the backyard of your suburban house.

No one else was home. And as random as this sighting was, I'm thankful this was a "delight" (thank you Beth Moore) just for me.