Saturday, July 19

6 month update

OK, so in January I posted my New Years Predictions list (because I hate the word resolutions). So, halfway through the year, how am I doing?

**Run the Portland Marathon in under 4:59:59 OK, so it wasn't the Portland marathon, but I did run 26.2 miles in under 5 hours which might have to be good enough for this year. Not sure if the ol' knee is up for another one in just over 2 months.
**Traveled to a foreign country nope. Does Montana count? haha - kidding Charla. totally kidding.
**Been more girly check and check. have you seen my toes this summer?
**Wed John Krasinski and bore his children, Grace & John I'm dating a Jon. that has to count for something.
**Bought a new golden retriever puppy YES!!!! woo-hoo!
**Been given a free ride to Duke nursing school so, it's not Duke and it's definitely not free but I am in nursing school which is a miracle in itself.
**Had a tan for at least a month YES!!! i know, i know: "tan skin is damaged skin" but come on. it beats the heck out of being pasty white.
**Made for darn sure Hillary Clinton is not my president shoot, I didn't have to do a thing. Thank you America!
**Attended 3 out-of-state weddings (heck, there has to be at least one other person I know that can make this come true) still only on track for 2 out-of-state weddings
**Been early to events (because just being on time isn't good enough) hey, I'm doing better. . .
**Had an actual conversation in Spanish that does not include asking someone where the library is YES!!! prepping Jon for his roadtrip
**Not cried while teaching Treehouse - except if I'm in physical pain YES!!! not that I'm proud of this, but I did actually cry in the Treehouse because I was in physical pain. This was promptly followed by a half hour nap on the floor of Beth's office.
**Stumbled upon buried treasure in my backyard OK, so it's not buried but I consider playing with my puppy in the backyard a definite treasure
**Solved world hunger AND world peace still working on it. haven't given up yet!