Wednesday, October 1

Tuesday Night Lights

Last week I went to a very intense, highly attended football game where the 2 team colors were green and orange. No, it was not the Civil War (I wish!) but it was a battle of the Podunks. (I really do mean that in a nice way. I love little towns)

Last Tuesday, I had the privilege of attending my very first junior high football game. I'm sure these existed when I was in junior high. . .oops, middle school. . .but frankly, I didn't really care. Plus there's the hassle of not having a car, or a license and cell phones didn't even exist back in that day to call mom and have her pick you up.

I arrived just as halftime started which allowed me to carefully pick my seat in the stadium without missing any of the action. Here's what you look for in a good seat: no junior highers around you. That was my only criteria. I nabbed a bleacher in the row 2nd from the top, which made for excellent people watching.

Here are some of my observations from a small town football game:
*The "cheerleaders" (these would be the girl friends and girlfriends of players) were bigger than the players
*I am trying my best not to pass out from the extreme use of cologne by the junior highers running in front of and next to me.
*Some players have yet to discover the correct running form. It is very popular to run with your arms down at your side. Do they know something I don't? Will this get me farther than the traditional elbows bent at 90 degrees?
*One kid was "shocked" to learn 2 of his friends were "going out" and what was even more shocking was this had been going on "for a whole week!"
*Let's talk about the # of subs on each team. I counted 7 for the home team (who I was cheering for) and "The Poose" (don't even go there - it's short for Scapoose) had at least double. I couldn't get an accurate count though because there was a ton of them.
*Here's an interesting technique that I need to discuss with one of the coaches and whether they work on this in practice or not: if the guy with the ball is bigger than you, and there's no way you are ever going to bring him down by tackle alone, than just grab on to his foot and don't let go. He may drag you for a while, but not for very long.
*Oh, one of the Poose Players snapped his wrist and the ambulance had to come onto the field, so that was pretty sweet to watch.