Entertainment Weekly - the biggest ranker & list-maker of all things entertainment - has just confirmed what I have known my entire life: The Wizard of Oz is the best movie for kids!!!! Please. I could have told you that when I was 4. Or was it 3? I forget just when the obsession began. And yes, it really was an obsession. There was one winter day that I went out to play in the snow in my "Dorothy dress", which wasn't exactly blue & white gingham but more like green courdory with a pocket in the middle of the chest. Yes I had a basket, and a dog and the whole movie on casette tape to which I could - and did - recite the ENTIRE MOVIE. And not just recite, but did I mention I acted the whole thing out too? (I didn't get my sparkling ruby red slippers though until high school.) I feel sorry that my parents had to listen to it every. single. day. But on the other hand, where is a 5-year-old getting her costume, accessories & copy of the movie? That right. Her parents. So you could say that they enabled, fed & encouraged my addiction.

THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939) A gingham-sporting Kansas girl is dreamily transported from her home on the range to a Technicolor wonderland, where she befriends a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion. There, she learns about self-sufficiency, capitalism, and how to kill bad witches. More importantly, hilarious little munchkins abound!
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