Wednesday, February 6

More quotes!

OK, apparently I'm on some kind of quote kick because that's been the theme of the last 3 posts. However, we had some classic ones from our department meeting yesterday that are deserving of being shared:

*The wisdom of My Boss, (after telling him how I personally & the class as a whole, did not do so hot on the most recent exam) explaining that it's OK to be dumb, just as long as other people are dumber: "Like I've always said, when you're running from a bear, you just have to outrun one other person."

*On discussing the migrant workers in China who work all year in the big city and only have one chance a year to go home to their villages & see their families but can't because of the large amount of snowfall:

The Boss: "Those poor people. They work extremely long hours for almost no pay. They don't get to see their families & they're working in a Communist country."

Co-worker Melissa: "Kinda like here."

*And I have no clue what the heck we were talking about when this came out but it was probably something totally unrelated: "Remember, if you want to kill a snake, just bite the head off. Then it'll die."