Sunday, January 13

Go Dallas!

Good thing I'm not a betting person because I would be out some serious cash after this weekend.

I would have put money on Seattle. How can you not root for the closest team to your own hometown & is led by a Hassleback?

I would have put money on whoever played New England. Sorry, I'm just not a fan of that team and it's cheating coach.

I would have put money on Indianapolis. I would have loved another year of all those Peyton Manning ads! Ever sent one of these to a friend? Peyton actually knows your friend's name!! They're hilarious! Now what am I going to go at work all day?

So now I'm 0-for-3. Dallas just has to win. I sit by a very avid Dallas fan for 9 hours everyday. And I need him to be in a good mood, otherwise I'll feel bad and end up getting him coffee and take dictation, and I'm not sure I can do both on a Monday!!


Anonymous said...

Thank God The Giants won! Sorry Romo- run back to Jessica!!

Anonymous said...

Go Dallas...Eliuk

Kevin Wecker said...

Ugh! Now the Pats are sure to win!

And when I say Pats, I am referring to the New England professional football team and not the verbal act of tapping someone else in a loving manner, with the palm of their hand(s).