Friday, November 2

Steven Curtis Chapman concert

Last night was the Steven Curtis Chapman concert at RHCC, featuring Bethany Dillon & Sanctus Real (who are not hot at all. No, not even a little bit. Usually I drool when I see people who are unattractive & I drooled a lot last night. The lead singer is so unappealing that I had to do an actual double take when I passed him in the parking lot. Honesty check - I thought it was Jeremy Camp. Another unattractive speciman that turns me into a Pavlovian dog.) Let's see if it passed the limus test for a good concert. Measurements are taken as soon as the main act has left the stage & the lights come on and the euphoria of a musical high is still upon you:

Ringing of the ears: What?! I can't hear you! CHECK.
Pitted shirt: Nope. Wait a sec. . .yes, I think a little bit. CHECK. (This would have been a definite 'no' except that I jumped for the last 10 minutes of the concert to 2 songs that physically can NOT be sung while standing still.
Loss of voice: Unable to confirm at this point. I still can't hear anything.

There were several things I kept thinking all the way through the concert: Who knew that SCC could rock? His songs are so nice to hum along with on the radio but dang it if he wasn't hopping around the stage with his electric guitar. (OK, hopping probably isn't the right word. I'm sure there's a technical musicial term to describe the moving around on stage on 2 feet and I'm sure the prefix changes depending what instrument you're currently holding, if any.) Of course, I'm sure he's influenced by his 18-year-old son on guitar & back-up vocals and 16-year-old son on drums. (For the record, they rocked too. Not a bad gig - being on tour with your dad and brother DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR).

The other thing I kept thinking was: OH, I didn't know he sang this song! I love this song! This is a fairly regular revelation that I have at concerts. I don't know who I think sings all these songs. They can't all be one-hit wonders can they? And you would think I could recognize voices of people whose CD's I have, right? I'm chalking it up to my ADD while listening to the radio - if I hear a DJ's voice, I usually change the station, thus missing the announcement of who just sang the song I was singing along with.

He also sang several new songs from his new CD. . .oh, excuse me. . .album that's coming out soon. I usually hate when artists do this during a concert because I want to be able to sing along with the oldies but goodies. But oh my goodness, I'm pretty sure I'm buying it today. One of the new songs performed last night was called "Cinderella" and will be the 'Father/Daughter' dance at my wedding. It's 'Butterfly Kisses' meets 'Dance With My Father'. . .except better. And in case you're wondering, yes, yes I did. Through the whole song.

I really wanted to hear/jump to/sing along with the song "Dive" and I started getting really worried because he hadn't sung it and you knew that the concert was headed toward the end. Turns out, "Dive" was the finale! woo-hoo! Because anything after that would have just been downhill. Looks like SCC is a pretty smart guy. Save the best for last. Not only is this great on the radio, it's also been done in the Treehouse so I love it even more. Yes, I did jump, and that is how I was able to check #2 off my list up above.

Now there's only 6 weeks left until the Mother Concert!!! Yea Mindo Doo!