The bridal party at the rehearsal: me, Carrie, Tonya (Rachel's sister) and the bride-to-be.
Rachel and Matt (speed) walking back down the aisle as husband and wife. If it was physically possible, I think she would have had a bigger smile. :o)
Are you two old enough to be getting married??? I'm sorry but they both look about 12!!! This isn't Alabama you know! Hehe!
Co-winners of the bouquet toss. Heather (Rach's cousin) caught the bottom half and I caught the top half.
Me and groomsman JJ coming back down the aisle. We caused a little trouble for the wedding coordinator at the Thursday night rehearsal but is there really anything wrong with laughing or chewing gum? I would even bet no one noticed JJ started with his left foot and not his right. Athey Creek Pastor, Brett Meader is in the back on the left. (He's so great!!)
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